Month: October 2020

Not in MY School!

Not in MY School!

What do you do when things seem to be at a stand still? You pray to the one that never stands still! God!

Several years ago, as we were developing our after-school Good News Clubs, a group of ladies were interested in starting a club at a local elementary school. The lady I was working with, Ruth, had a particular school in mind. Her church was ready to ‘adopt’ the school club, and volunteers were ready. When Ruth called the school and spoke with the principal, the principal responded, “Not in my school!” Ruth was ‘taken back’ by the response. What to do?

PRAYER! The church family prayed; there was a prayer walk around the school; CEF prayer partners were praying.
After about a month of prayer, Ruth felt led to approach the principal again. When she called the office, the secretary talked with the principal and an appointment was made for Ruth.

Ruth called me and asked if I would go with her to that meeting. I met with Ruth before our appointment with the principal. We prayed together. Both of us were a bit anxious. We prayed again in the school parking lot.

We went into the school and made our way to the main office. Ruth told the secretary who we were and we waited a few minutes for the principal. When she came, her first words to us were …”Now, about this Good News Club what can I do to make it happen?” I am sure Ruth was as shocked as I was to hear these words!

After our meeting, all Ruth and I could do was to praise God for this change of heart! Truly, this was a God-thing. We believe God moved in answer to His people’s prayers! As a result of this first club in that school district, we now have 4 after-school Good News Clubs in that district! Praise God!

A Girl Named Alicia

A Girl Named Alicia

Recently at our Good News Club, we began teaching CEF’s Wordless Book curriculum. We gave the children wordless book bracelets and are training them to use them to share the love of Christ with their friends and family – it is wonderful!

The week we started on lesson one, we began teaching the Gold Page which is about Heaven. One of the illustrated pages contains pictures of ‘things that will be in Heaven.’ The lesson also highlights the teaching of the Lamb’s Book of Life.

One of our little girls, Alicia, grade 2, was listening so intently to the teaching. When I said that each person who has placed their faith in Christ for the forgiveness of their sins will have their name written in the Lamb’s Book of Life, Alicia smiled to think her name was in the Lamb’s Book of Life since she had made that decision. She frowned and then raised her hand.

When I called on her, she said she was very sad because she just knew that her name would not be spelled correctly in the Book. Apparently, this has been an ongoing problem for Alicia, and she had tears in her eyes and a quivering little lip as she told us all about it. After reassuring her that Jesus knew how to spell her name and giving her a hug, we moved on, but she seemed unconvinced.

After the lesson was over, we moved on to the review game provided with the lesson. Around question #7, I called on Alicia to answer a question and she got it right. This entitled her to pick a special card from a stack, at random, and to say whether the picture on the card would be something that would be in heaven or would not be in heaven ….a correct answer meant another 1,000 points for her team! Alicia leaned over to pick a card from my hand, turned it over, and was staring at a picture of the Lamb’s Book of Life! She proudly announced the correct answer and then called out in disbelief, “Look! My name is in the Book and it is SPELLED RIGHT!” Sure enough, I looked and there was her name, “Alicia,” along with a list of other names on the pre-printed card from the publisher!

What an incredible gift God gave to that little girl that day in club. We were all so happy and rejoicing with her over this small miracle! Truly, God is in the details of our lives, every day, all the time! Praise God!

Testimonies of Changed Lives

Testimonies of Changed Lives

Testimonies of changed lives! A little girl who was so touched by the gospel she wanted to pay for it, another child who reached her father in prison via her Good News Club teacher, a boy who reached his whole family because he had a burning desire to read the Bible… Listen below as our director, Emily Ramsdell, shares a couple touching stories of the power of the gospel of Jesus Christ at work in the lives of local children.