Category: Newsletters

CEF Update: Spring/Summer 2022

CEF Update: Spring/Summer 2022

Summer Challenges

Before I share about Summer 2022 with you, I want us to re-live for a moment what challenges our summer ministry team faced in previous summers. Some testimonies…

“Crazy Hard”

Summer ministry is always a whirlwind of emotion. You really feel for the situations that are ‘crazy hard’ that these kids call ‘everyday life.’ You are burdened with the way they live, and yet frustrated often at their low attention span and more than often their poor behavior. And, yet, in a moment that can change and they start asking questions… questions that they never would have asked to anyone unless the gospel was talked about.
Questions like…
*Why does God allow violence and shooting?
*Is Jesus and the devil equal?
*Why did Jesus have to die?
*Why can’t I be good enough to go to heaven?

All questions that can lead into the most important question ….”How do I get to go to Heaven?”
We got to share that ‘good news’ of salvation with these kids; and what a privilege it was!

Who Takes Care of You?

A testimony from a summer missionary… “At one summer club there was this precious little girl, about 5 or 6 years old. From the first day of club, she just hung on me and each day of club it was the same thing. She would just jump into my arms. Then, one day, she said, ‘Will you be my mommy?’ I was stunned. I said to her, ‘But your mommy would miss you.’ She responded, ‘I don’t have a mommy … would you be my mommy?’ I said, ‘Who takes care of you?’ She said, ‘My grandmother.’ I told her, ‘Your grandmother would miss you.’ She looked at me and said, ‘My grandmother said she doesn’t want me anymore.”

“I Couldn’t Believe my Eyes!”

“He was another one of those kids that just hung on you and wanted to be loved—a boy about the age of 5 or 6. One day, when he was giving me a hug, a switchblade knife fell out of his pocket. I couldn’t believe my eyes. I asked him, ‘Where did you get this? Who does it belong to?’ He responded, ‘It’s mine.’ The knife had a button on it. Fortunately, the blade was not visible at the time, but I thought to myself … what if, when he was hugging me, the button was accidently activated? And what in the world is a young boy doing with a switchblade?

After meeting hundreds of children this summer at clubs, stopping several fights, witnessing 2 drug busts, men with guns, boys with knives, being disrespected and cussed at by 7 year olds, I would not have traded this summer’s ministry for the world!

These were some of the challenges members of our summer teams have faced in the past. As you can imagine, things have not gotten better … the disrespect, misbehavior has increased, the brokenness in the children’s lives has increased, the lack of self- worth has increased … then add to it the school shootings and other things happening in the world and our post-pandemic culture!
Challenges? Yes! Prayers needed? Yes! Yes!

Summer 2022

Let me introduce you to our CEF summer team ministering in Syracuse!
Leroy and Ruth Blair and Ellie Stultz

Leroy has asked for prayers as he finalizes club locations. He feels this summer will be a learning experience for the team … and the by-word for ministry will be ‘flexibility.’ GO where clubs are planned, but be willing to be led of the Lord, to ‘do ministry’ where He leads. Right now, the plan is to be at: Fraser Park, Syracuse Alliance Church, MISSION SYRACUSE at Destiny Mall, and Fage Street, Syracuse.

Other ministries this summer:
Be praying for Barb & Chip Good as they teach a weekly Weds. Bible club in Baldwinsville starting July 13. And for our Good News Club team under the direction of Bev Settle as they teach a 5-Day Club out in Madison in July.

Children are not the only ones who attend our summer clubs. Many teens and adults do, too. And children are not the only ones asking questions. One day at club, a father raised his hand and asked one of our summer missionaries, ‘Can you please tell me the difference between your life before without Christ and your life now with Christ?’ !!! WOW!

Second Saturdays

We have been doing prayer walks around our Syracuse city schools the second Saturday of each month.

Our next prayer walk will be Saturday, July 9, at 8:30 AM at Porter School, and the other prayer walk, the same day, same time will be at Seymour School.

We walk around in groups of 2’s and 3’s for about a half hour.  Can you join us?

If you are not able to come, please be in prayer for these 2 schools that we might be able to have an after-school Good News Club there this fall!

Children’s Ministry Conference

We are excited! Again, this year we will be able to have our 4th in-person Children’s Ministry Conference this fall.

The date:  Saturday, Oct. 1

The event will be held at the Syracuse Alliance Church on Midland Ave. in Syracuse. We will start at 8:30 with coffee.

We will run 2 tracks.  Track 1 will be for new After-School Good News Club workers, church children’s workers, and it could be a ‘refresher’ for those already teaching. Track 2 will be for ‘seasoned’ teachers and will broaden their teaching skills.

Track 1 will include topics like “Teaching the Bible Lesson to the Unsaved,” “Challenging the Saved Child in a Bible Lesson,” Making Scripture Memorization Relevant,” “Counseling a Child for Salvation,” “Classroom Management,” and a “Good News Club Demonstration” …. the content from this seminar will benefit all church children’s workers.

Track 2 will include topics like “Kids at Risk,” “Working with Pre-Schools,” “Developing a Child’s Appreciation for God,” “Keeping Kids Engaged,” “Teaching Children with Special Needs, “Helping Parents & Teachers to Encourage Children to have a Daily Time with the Lord” (to include prayer, Bible and devotionals),  and a seminar on “Christmas Clubs!”

We have a lot of excellent topics with some of the best seminar instructors teaching. Yes, participants can pick and choose the seminars they would like to attend. This will be an all-day event with a Chick Fil A lunch. A conference brochure will be available shortly.  We wanted you to put the date on your calendar now!

“Why I Like Good News Club!”

At a Good News Club, we gave our kids a piece of paper and asked them to respond … here are some of their replies…

*I learned to love others and treat my enemies with respect.  (We had just taught a lesson from Matt. 5:44 … I guess the lesson and memory verse stuck!)

*I’ve learned to let Jesus into my heart.

*I like Good News Club because we learned the 66 books of the Bible.  I like to sing the holy songs.  I also learned Bible verses. Here is one: “Be strong and courageous.  Don’t be afraid for the Lord God is with you.  He will never leave you. (Deut. 31:6) (signed… with love, Johnny)

*I’ve learned to not let myself be overcome by sin (WOW!) Another thing I’ve learned to do is to pray to God every day.

*I like the songs we sing at club.  But what I like the most is… in God we have the victory, and we honor the true God and not the wrong God.

“I like Good News Club because we have snacks and sing songs about God and we learn about Jesus.  Praying for forgiveness is never fun because you have sinned.

(Sweet story…) When teaching the Feeding of the 5,000, and after Jesus blest the little lunch, the club teacher asked, ‘What do you think Jesus did next?’  Hands flew up … the teacher pointed to one little girl who was so enthusiastic.  She responded, “He ate it!”


Someone has said: “It is easier to build strong children than to repair broken men.”

Children’s Ministry Conference 2021

Children’s Ministry Conference 2021

We held our 4th annual, in-person Children’s Ministry Conference on Sept. 25. We were excited to have over 70 people in attendance.  We ran two tracts – one for those wanting to start a new after-school Good News Club; the other, for seasoned teachers, who were interested in topics like Working with Children with Special Needs, Kids at Risk, Working with Preschoolers, Keeping Kids Right Side Up in an Upside Down World, and much more!  I’d like to share some testimonies with you from 2 conference participants:


“I was wonderfully blessed to be at this Children’s Ministry Conference.  Everything that was taught was so relevant for today.  And the speakers, so well prepared and with the Holy Spirit mightily working through them, were a great blessing to us all.

I gained wisdom, information I needed, encouragement, excitement, and left with a greater drive to carry on ministering to and teaching children.

And the ending – WOW – being able to worship and sing our hearts out to our precious Lord and Savior was WONDERFUL!!!  The presence of God was so evident I did not want to leave!   I always knew and still know that I am blessed to be a part of and connected with Child Evangelism Fellowship.😀.  Thank you for the time, prayers, effort, hard work and commitment you have given and still give to this ministry.”  – Marge from Syracuse


“All of our teachers from our church should have come to this conference. There was a wealth of information to be gleaned from the conference—vital information that is specific to the issues of today and pertinent to all involved in children’s ministries.

Thank you so much for organizing this wonderful event and for all the teachers and speakers who were involved.  The praise worship at the end of the conference was just the whip cream with the cherry on top.  What a beautiful way to wrap up the conference.  I left there rejoicing with a heart filled and overflowing!” – Nancy from Rochester

Welcome Leroy Blair!

Welcome Leroy Blair!

Welcome, Leroy Blair, our CEF summer director …

They share about themselves ..

Leroy is from Kings, NY formally known as Brooklyn. From the age of two, Leroy use to dress himself to go to church with his great-aunt. Leroy came to know the Lord in his pre-teens on an Easter Sunday at his home church, Evergreen Baptist Church.   In no time, Leroy started working with the babies in the nursery. As Leroy increased in faith so did the age group of the children he worked with stopping with the teens. Although Leroy spent many years working in ministry with children it wasn’t until he arrived in Syracuse that he became very active with CEF especially since his wife, Ruth, was no stranger to CEF.

Ruth grew up attending The Shekinah House of prayer and praise church back in her home country, India. There she learned about the Lord and accepted Him as Lord and Savior at the age of 9.  Ruth served within many ministries in the church and began working with CEF at the age of 18. It was very evident that Ruth felt a calling on her life since a youth.  Ruth was so instrumental with CEF in India that the director started grooming her to replace her until God led Ruth to come to the USA and here obtained a degree in theology from Davis College.

It was there at Davis that Ruth and Leroy met. It was evident to some of the professors that these two would end up together by the way they fought like an old married couple and yet the way they complemented each other. They tied the knot once they both heard from God in June of2018 and jumped in ministering together while wrapping up their studies. They both completed their college requirements May of 2020.   As a result of the pandemic, they will finally have college commencement this August 2021.

2020 Christmas Blessings

2020 Christmas Blessings

2020 has been quite a year…

I can hardly believe that we have almost come to the end of the year.   Christmas is almost here!  I want to thank you for your faithful prayers and giving to Child Evangelism Fellowship.  Your prayers have been what have carried us through.

In my 35 years with CEF, this year has been the most challenging!   Yet through it all, God has been faithful.  Let me share some of the ‘ups’ and ‘downs’ of ministry this year.

Back at the beginning of 2020 BC (before covid), I experienced something that I had not experienced before.  In one week, I received three phone calls from pastors responding to our ‘shout out’ for new churches to adopt a neighborhood elementary school for new after-school Good News Clubs!  WOW!  I couldn’t believe it.

I had the opportunity to visit with two pastors (with a follow-up call to the third pastor) within the next few weeks.  They were totally ‘on board’ to have their church adopt a neighborhood elementary school for a Bible club in the fall (2020).  Then another pastor contacted me and said that the school club his church adopted he would like to turn over to a church closer to that school, and his church would adopt another school closer to their church for a new Good News Club!  WOW!

Not only that, but this pastor is advocating for us with area pastors with a goal of having Good News Clubs in every elementary school in their school district!  Another WOW!  We already had 18 school-related clubs up and going … life was good …. and then covid hit.  We were having clubs with kids one week, and the next week everything shut down!  It really knocked the wind out of us.

CEF Home Office almost immediately came up with excellent online resources for children and their families.  Praise God!  While we here were catching our breath and praying as to what to do next … a couple of things happened:

We could do online Bible clubs or in-person clubs following many covid protocols.  Many of our club teachers are not ‘tech savvy’ so this was not an option for them. We do have one online club. There are so many ‘challenges’ with online clubs, besides the fact that the children have been online all day with school work so another online event isn’t that appealing.  Several are doing in-person clubs (at another location as no after-school programs are going on).  These clubs are small clubs in number to provide safe-distancing.

But what have we done…

Do You Wonder Why Booklets

Shortly after covid hit, CEF Syracuse provided the “Do You Wonder Why?” booklets to children and families.  This 15-page in-color booklet answered kids tough questions like: Has What’s Happened Made You Afraid? Does God Know and Care About Me? Why Do So Many Bad Things Happen in the World? How Could God Allow this to Happen?  How Can I Get Through This Terrible Time?

We gave out 2,260 of these booklets, free, to club children and churches/organizations/individuals requesting them!

Power Packs

A number of our club coordinators have been mailing out or hand delivering (with masks on) ‘power packs’ complete with Bible lessons, memory verse sheets, devotional books, gospel tracts, music CDs, Dollar Store gifts, etc…. to keep in touch!

Children’s Ministry Conference

In September, we had our third annual in-person Children’s Ministry Conference.  We had some excellent responses to the Conference, a time for training, fellowship, and encouraging one another that ‘soon we will be back in-person with the children!’

2020 prayer walkPrayer Walks

This fall, a number of prayer walks were held on Saturday mornings as folks gathered to pray around our schools. PRAYER is our best weapon!

We need your prayers!  Pray that soon we will be able to have after-school, in-person Good News Clubs!

Thank God for all the new churches interested in school clubs. Pray that their passion and enthusiasm does not wane.

PRAY for all our CEF club volunteers.  It’s been hard on them.  Pray that God would keep them encouraged and ‘ready to go’ when the school doors open to us.

THANK YOU for sticking with us during this ‘holding pattern’ of 2020!  Your prayers and giving have been a blessing!   Now, we want to bless you (and your family) … may God keep you all safe and well as we anticipate Christmas celebrations!

Merry Christmas!

Emily Ramsdell

Director, CEF Syracuse