Children’s Ministry Conference 2021

We held our 4th annual, in-person Children’s Ministry Conference on Sept. 25. We were excited to have over 70 people in attendance.  We ran two tracts – one for those wanting to start a new after-school Good News Club; the other, for seasoned teachers, who were interested in topics like Working with Children with Special Needs, Kids at Risk, Working with Preschoolers, Keeping Kids Right Side Up in an Upside Down World, and much more!  I’d like to share some testimonies with you from 2 conference participants:


“I was wonderfully blessed to be at this Children’s Ministry Conference.  Everything that was taught was so relevant for today.  And the speakers, so well prepared and with the Holy Spirit mightily working through them, were a great blessing to us all.

I gained wisdom, information I needed, encouragement, excitement, and left with a greater drive to carry on ministering to and teaching children.

And the ending – WOW – being able to worship and sing our hearts out to our precious Lord and Savior was WONDERFUL!!!  The presence of God was so evident I did not want to leave!   I always knew and still know that I am blessed to be a part of and connected with Child Evangelism Fellowship.😀.  Thank you for the time, prayers, effort, hard work and commitment you have given and still give to this ministry.”  – Marge from Syracuse


“All of our teachers from our church should have come to this conference. There was a wealth of information to be gleaned from the conference—vital information that is specific to the issues of today and pertinent to all involved in children’s ministries.

Thank you so much for organizing this wonderful event and for all the teachers and speakers who were involved.  The praise worship at the end of the conference was just the whip cream with the cherry on top.  What a beautiful way to wrap up the conference.  I left there rejoicing with a heart filled and overflowing!” – Nancy from Rochester