Month: November 2020

A Simple Invitation

A Simple Invitation

It all began with a simple invitation to come to Good News Club. He appeared the day of club and asked what we were doing. I told him it was a Bible club, asked, “Would you like to come?” Then handed him a registration form, waited, and prayed… and Isaiah came! One of things he shared with us is that he didn’t know how to find out things about Jesus in the Bible. What a joy to be able to help him with that.

At the end of club that day, after hearing a clear presentation of the gospel when the invitation was given, Isaiah raised his hand and wanted to be saved! Since that day, he has been coming regularly, eagerly wanting to know more about JESUS and growing in his faith.

As Good News Club teachers, we were teaching the Wordless Book to the children, sharing the gospel points using the 5 colors. GOLD that reminds us of God; the DARK color represents sin; RED, Jesus’ blood and what HE accomplished on the cross for our sin; the CLEAN color represents how we can be cleaned up from our sin; and GREEN represents growth, ways we need to grow in God’s family.

At our last club, Isaiah repeated back to us the entire teaching of the Wordless Book. Tammy, one of our club teachers, pretended to be someone who didn’t know the Lord and needed Jesus. Isaiah showed her the colors of the Wordless Book and explained each gospel point. Tammy decided she would see how he might respond in a ‘challenging’ situation. So when Isaiah was reviewing the teaching on the DARK page, Tammy said to him, “I’m no sinner,” to which he quickly replied, “Oh, yes, you are … the Bible tells us, ‘For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God!’” Even though she insisted she wasn’t a sinner, Isaiah stood his ground on the truth of God’s Word (and this with hardly any prompting on our part)!

Isaiah was given a little Bible. He told me he never had a Bible before. We also gave him a devotional page to work on. He is quite intent on learning more about the Bible and Jesus. I praise God how HE is at work in Isaiah’s life … and it all began with a simple invitation, “Would you like to come to Good News Club?”

We Had to Wait Two Years

We Had to Wait Two Years

There aren’t too many of us that like to wait…

We approached a local Syracuse school with the desire of having an after-school Good News Club at the school. We had meeting after meeting with school staff just to be told we needed to ‘wait.’ We needed to come back at another time. This went on for at least 2 years. Many were praying. A number of us decided to do a prayer walk around the school.

It was a Saturday morning, the sun was shining… we had a good number of people show up for the prayer walk. As we were nearing the end of our prayer walk, one of the club coordinators received a text from the vice principal … “Come to the school, we are ready for the Good News Club!” We were done with the wait!

WOW! All of us on that prayer walk were speechless. GOD showed up as a result of prayer. In that next meeting, the vice principal shared with us, “Thank you for your patience!” Our waiting had paid off!


It is stories like these that remind us that prayer makes a difference! God is good and is faithful to answer our prayers when we call to him! If you are interested in serving with a Good News Club, check out our Good News Club page or visit for more information.