Spending the Weekend with Dad

“I’m going to spend the whole weekend with my Dad!”

Linda from one of our school-related Good News Clubs®, shared this with me…

“Prior to our Christmas break, I was in the hallway waiting for school to dismiss and our club to begin. I was standing next to the cubbies where the kids come to get their coats and backpacks. A 2nd or 3rd grade girl started chatting with me. She told me that she was so excited for the coming weekend.

When I asked her why, she replied, ‘I’m going to spend the whole weekend with my Dad.’ I assumed her parents did not live together which is so commonplace. Then she said, ‘My dad is getting out of jail today.’ She was beaming!

Now, it wasn’t what she said that shocked me, but it was how unfazed she was by this situation. She seemed totally unaffected by his being in jail, only thrilled that she was going to spend time with him. It is so sad that this kind of thing is such an everyday part of her life that it rolls off her tongue as if he had been away on a business trip or was just used to her parents having shared custody. This is the lifestyle of so many of these young children today.

Without Jesus, what chance do they have?”