The Children Had Never Seen the Bible!

Would you believe there are some children today that still have never seen or heard of the Bible?

Juli, who has taught Good News Clubs®, had the opportunity recently to be a part of her church’s outreach ministry on the northside of Syracuse. She and a preteen helper were asked to watch/entertain over 40 kids for an hour while their refugee parents worked on job preparation and things.

Juli said she planned a few games and she had a small lesson to go with one of the games about the love of God.

She said to the children, “Do you know what this is?” (holding the Bible) and only two kids raised their hands.  I called on one of them and he said, “That’s a book!'”  It wasn’t as a joke, it wasn’t to be silly, and it wasn’t to make the other children laugh …they just simply had never seen a Bible before and when I said, ‘You’re right! This is God’s Word! This is His letter to us!’  A few of the kids had never even HEARD of God! Praise God that Juli was able to share with these precious children about GOD.

Juli went on to say that this was a one-time outreach for the church to get into the homes of nonbelievers. I don’t believe the elders were ever invited back.  But I know that the children that day learned about God’s Word, His love for them, and were given a special invitation to have a personal relationship with Him!

You can be a part of Good News Clubs to join in this important work of sharing the gospel with the children of Central New York who may not hear it from anyone else! Check out more about Good News Clubs by clicking here.